Ads & Data has a very broad and extensive cross-media offering for regional advertising. With Het Belang van Limburg, Gazet van Antwerpen, Made In and the regional TV channels: TV Limburg, ATV, TVO and ROBtv, the strongest regional news brands are in our portfolio. Moreover, through the intelligent use of data and the consistent application of our ‘we un-waste principle’, it is also possible to reach a local and segmented audience through our national brands such as: Het Nieuwsblad, De Standaard and the various Play stations. Our strong local and national brands make your regional campaign a success. Discover them below or contact us for a detailed proposal.

Newspapers with a strong regional presence (Display Print)

Gazet van Antwerpen
Proudly from here and everywhere. With three editions in the province of Antwerp, GVA brings you the most complete coverage of the city of Antwerp, its suburbs, Kempen and Mechelen region.
Read more on Gazet van Antwerpen
Het Belang van Limburg
The pride of Limburg! Recent news from Limburg, but also domestic and foreign news, economy, media & culture… always with a Limburg angle. No separate editions.
Read more on Het Belang van Limburg
Het Nieuwsblad
In addition to complete coverage of news from Belgium and abroad, … Het Nieuwsblad pays extra attention to regional news with 15 editions in Flanders.
Read more on Het Nieuwsblad
De Standaard
De Standaard is the leading quality newspaper in Flanders with the most up-to-date news about home and abroad, economy, … with 5 editions in Flanders (1 edition per province).
Read more on De StandaardMagazines & inserts for your target group (Display Print)

The largest lifestyle newspaper magazine, Billie appears in Gazet van Antwerpen, Het Nieuwsblad and Het Belang van Limburg. Advertising is possible in the entire print run or on specific dates in the provincial editions. Billie is a 360° proposition with a very strong digital story.
Visit the Billie website
Independent city magazine by Gazet van Antwerpen. Packed with surprising stories about special people and special things. Advertising is possible in the entire print run or in one of the regional editions: Metropolis, Mechelen, Waas and Kempen. Citta is available in print and online website.
Visit citta online
Supplement to Het Belang van Limburg on Tuesdays. This supplement of Het Belang brings only good news. Every Tuesday, you will find pictures of all marriages in Limburg, both in print and online. You are only married when you are in the Goednieuwskrant! There are 3 editions for local advertisers.
Visit Goednieuwskrant online
De Buurtkrant (The Neighbourhood News)
Supplement to Het Belang van Limburg on Friday. This supplement is packed every week with news and photos sent in by readers from all corners of the province. There is also an agenda of local events and standby services. There are 6 editions for local advertisers.

Weekly weekend supplement of Het Belang van Limburg, packed with tips for people who enjoy life, including cultural tips, cycling and walking routes, an interview… Goesting reinforces the weekend offer and bundles everything there is to do in one supplement, with the newspaper and online.
Visit Goesting online
Free door-to-door magazine published bi-weekly in the province of Limburg. Jet is Limburg’s most read door-to-door magazine. In 2022, Jet will celebrate its 51st anniversary. The magazine is published 16 times a year in A4 format with popular themes such as fashion, living, lifestyle, info and …
Visit Jet websiteDigital advertising (Display Digitaal)

Strong regional brands online
Besides the online versions of our news sites, you can also choose the websites of the regional broadcasters,,, and also or you can choose the specific regions of

Local news on the region pages
Place your ad between the local news on our news sites Het Nieuwsblad, Gazet van Antwerpen and Het Belang van Limburg. This way you are sure of the most relevant and qualitative local context.

Geo- or postcode targeting
Choose this targeting option if you only want to reach visitors from a certain region, but on the entire Ads & Data network of sites and apps. This feature is included for free in the CPM price.
Find out more about data (to come)
Pause Button
Being present on national TV channels, but still with a local reach? This is possible by choosing Pause Button. We bring your message to your local target group at the moment the TV viewer presses the pause button. No video material is needed.
Read more about Pause ButtonVideo possibilities

Regional tv
With our regional channels you bring your message to the heart of the region to a very loyal viewing public in Antwerp (ATV), Limburg (TVL), in East Flanders (TVO) and in Flemish Brabant (ROBtv). Our regional channels offer a wide range of advertising possibilities. This at very accessible rates.

Online Video
Three options for reaching a regional audience with your online commercial: placement with the video content of our strong regional brands, showing on the entire Ads & Data network but using geotargeting and finally by applying regional context targeting so that your video appears only among the local news based on the region chosen.
Learn more about Online Video
With SmartAD, you use the power of data and personalization. This way you are present on national TV, but still reach a local audience. By using geotargeting, whether or not combined with socio-demographic targeting, we ensure that the right spot reaches the right target group. Ideal for branding and activation campaigns.
Find out more about Smart ADNeed more info? Contact our experts…

Offer for cities and towns
In addition to the classic advertising options, our strong brands also offer numerous creative solutions to take a campaign for your city or municipality to the next level. These include native content campaigns in newspapers and on websites, as well as partnerships on local and national television.
How about using your city as a location partner for the shooting of a new TV series, or hosting an event related to a TV program (e.g. De Mol aan Zee). Our regional channels also offer many opportunities to put your city or town in the spotlight with a nice report.