TV is the medium par excellence to quickly reach a large number of key target groups.  In addition, the TV spot also ensures a great emotional impact of your brand on your target group.  Spots and Billboards are the most popular advertising options, but TV has even more to offer!


Smart AD

Smart AD is a new form of advertising that makes it possible to personalise television advertising for the viewer.

But how does it work? Follow this link and find out all about it.

More info on the Smart AD

Pause Button Advertising

Pause button advertising, now even more suited to the needs of the advertiser.  The perfect timing. A large-screen platform to tell your story. And the certainty that your message will be seen by the viewer. That is Pause button advertising!

Download guidelines Pause Button Advertising


A billboard links your brand with a TV show in an original way. As a result, you are sure your message will stick with the viewer!

Download guidelines billboard Download template sponsor logo

Classic TV campaign

Television is and remains the ultimate medium to reach the masses. Hence, the classic TV commercial still forms the basis of a powerful media campaign. At Ads & Data, with the right choice of channels, you will reach your target audience in no time at all.

Download tech specs classic tv campaigns