Quality Read or Advertorial: how to make the right choice?

At Ads & Data, we offer two powerful online solutions to get your message to the right audience:

  • Native Advertising and Quality Read
  • Advertorial

But which of these options best suits your objectives? To help you make the right choice, we will provide a detailed explanation of both solutions. That way, you’ll know exactly which approach suits your brand strategy perfectly.

Native Quality Read

Native Advertising Quality Read

Storytelling and information in the spotlight

This product focuses on strong storytelling and sharing relevant information. It is designed to effectively communicate your message to the right target audience.

  • Full read guarantee: 100% of the article read and at least 15 seconds of engagement or click through to your website.
Landing page
  • Published under the Mediahuis news brands.
  • Optional: Integration of an In-Message Unit (IMU) for extra visibility.
  • Promotion through Mediahuis sites and newsletters for optimal visibility.
  • Comprehensive insights, including a detailed audience profile.
  • Maximum 10% of the provided number of Quality Reads. Here, maximum 1 targeting category can be used with choice of: age, gender and social class.
  • Geographic targeting (based on province) is possible at 100% of the campaign, and that both for QR and Advertorials.
  • Possible with a customised data segment.

With this solution, you create a powerful, targeted campaign that both informs and engages.



Promotion and traffic building: more visibility and engagement

This product is specially designed to promote your platform and generate more traffic. Thanks to a targeted approach and powerful tools, you will put your brand on the map with a wide audience.

  • Click guarantee: Focused on getting clicks for maximum traffic.
Landing page
  • Hosted by Mediahuis’ news brands.
  • Possibility of bannering via TV leaderboard and/or IMU format.
  • Promotion through Mediahuis sites and newsletters.
  • Extension with an external network.
  • Number of clicks and impressions.
  • Reading time and click-throughs to your webpage.
  • Devices used and gender distribution.
  • Only geographical targeting per province, not site-specific.
  • Possible with a customised data segment.

With this solution, you increase the visibility of your brand and attract targeted visitors to your platform. An efficient choice for traffic-building and promotion.

Still have questions? Contact …

Tiny Peeleman

Project Lead tiny.peeleman@adsanddata.be

Lisa Pé

Project Manager Branded Content +32 496 78 86 25 lisa.pe@adsanddata.be